Episode 1.4 Oculus Quest 2…a VR-yyy Special Episode

Podcast cover art for the Oculus Quest 2 Episode

On this podcast episode of The Middle School Mind, we talk about the Oculus Quest 2 VR system and why kids want this system this holiday season.

Today’s podcast highlighted the Oculus Quest 2 VR gaming system that are in high demand for both kids and adults this year:

All I want for Christmas is an Oculus Quest 2

Oculus Quest 2 VR system is Meta Platforms latest offering in next-generation virtual reality gaming and entertainment systems
This is what you think VR is in your head. Image courtesy of Forbes.
VR systems allow the user to experience a variety of environments, worlds and simulate flying, driving and space travel which is why these systems are in high demand
This is what you look like in real life using VR. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
  • Blade & Sorcery – may not be for all ages as there may be blood and guts, try it before you buy it if there’s a demo version. Blade & Sorcery is also similar to another VR game called Boneworks.
Screen capture of a first-person VR game called Blade & Sorcery which allows the user to simulate medieval combat
Screen capture of Blade & Sorcery courtesy of game-virtual-reality.com.
  • Job Simulator. Play as a robot to do these random jobs. Be a store clerk, a chef, an accountant or work at a car wash. Do the work and don’t get paid.
I would not have believed it until I saw it for myself. Job Simulator exists and you check VR e-mails and jump on VR conference calls. Image courtesy of oqplay.com.
VR systems allow users to immerse themselves into their favorite science fiction franchises like Star Wars like no other game in the past
Amazing. Take. My. Money. Now. Image courtesy of Variety.com.
  • Our regularly scheduled pitch to Mr. Jeff Bezos for sponsorship
Pick us, Mr. Bezos! Image courtesy of Economic Times/India Times.

Games that have no business being made for the Oculus (or any gaming system for that matter)

  • Sitting Chair Simulator – hold on to your seats, literally, hold on and have a seat. Sit and don’t be fit.
  • Netflix TV Static Screen – imagine watching Netflix over someone’s shoulder on a blurry screen with bad audio.
  • Poke Simulator – you are constantly being poked and poking other people.
  • Fart Game – you make fart noises and you are rated on how it sounds.

Quiz Time: We Play “Game Or Not a Game” – which of these games are real VR games and which are made up?

  • Moss – Game or Not a Game?
Moss looks amazing. Image courtesy of Variety.
Game or no game, this would be amazing for VR. Send us the royalty checks when someone develops this VR painting game. Image courtesy of news.artnet.com.

Thanks to all of our podcast listeners. We are one of the fastest growing podcasts for kids and appreciate your support!

The Middle School Mind podcast is available on Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music. Please like, share a positive comment and subscribe to The Middle School Mind podcast!

Our podcast is followed by school age kids, tweens, preteens, teens and adults. We keep the content clean and try to keep it under 30 minutes per episode.

If you want to listen to more episodes featuring games, take a listen to the Minecraft episode where son and I talk all about Minecraft. Thanks for your support!

Special Thanks

For more episodes of The Middle School Mind podcast, check out our latest podcasts below

Bonus Episode: 1.1 Hello World! Relisten The Middle School Mind

In this bonus episode of The ⁠Middle School Mind⁠ podcast, Father and Son take a listen back to our very first episode, Hello World when he was early in his 6th grade year as a fresh-faced middles schooler. It's a fun way to poke fun and reminisce about our time making the podcast. This is the final, final episode of The Middle School Mind podcast and thank you to all who were part of this amazing ride. For all you middle school kids out there listening to us. You can make your own podcast easily. You guys have amazing ideas and get your voices out there!
  1. Bonus Episode: 1.1 Hello World! Relisten
  2. Series Finale: Graduation Day
  3. 2.12 The Goodbye Episode
  4. Feed Drop – Young Entrepreneurship from A Step Ahead Tutoring Services
  5. Feed Drop – The Geeky Dad Podcast


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