On this episode of The Middle School Mind podcast, we get awkward. Son brings up three awkward situations for us to discuss and we bring up two bonus awkward situations to review.
What does it mean to be Awkward?
- To start our episode, Son brings up a really far-off example of an awkward situation that has never happened and will likely never happen.
Son highlights three examples of awkward situations
- Potty talk – do you pee in the middle urinal? This article from metro.co.uk highlights the unspoken rules using public urinals
- Huggers – how do you handle huggers or people who encroach on your physical space when you’re not a hugger? This article from repeller.com highlights confessions from a non-hugger.
- Wedding invitations from long-lost friends – would you feel obligated to go? This Q&A from myneworleans.com answers the question if you have to go to your high school friend’s wedding.
Two bonus awkward situations presented by Father
- Seeing teachers outside of work, especially if it’s at their side hustle. Is it weird to see your teachers outside of school? EdSource.org published this article highlighting many teachers who work a second job outside the classroom.
- Friend-zoned in middle school! This article from wikihow.com lists 4 Ways to Escape the Friend Zone.
Of course we have to talk about Jeff Bezos on our Awkward Situations episode
- Is it getting awkward for our listeners that his name comes up as often as it does in our episodes? This businessinsider.com article talks about the years-long beef between Jeff and Elon.
For more Awkward Situations, check out this article from Lifehacker highlighting 10 Awkward Situations and How to Deal With It.
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Bonus Episode: 1.1 Hello World! Relisten – The Middle School Mind
In this bonus episode of The Middle School Mind podcast, Father and Son take a listen back to our very first episode, Hello World when he was early in his 6th grade year as a fresh-faced middles schooler.
It's a fun way to poke fun and reminisce about our time making the podcast. This is the final, final episode of The Middle School Mind podcast and thank you to all who were part of this amazing ride.
For all you middle school kids out there listening to us. You can make your own podcast easily. You guys have amazing ideas and get your voices out there!